个人档案<男|离异|1964年12月出生|属龙|魔羯座|身高:177cm|血型:O型|本科|宗教信仰:伊斯兰教|教书育人|职业类型:教师、教育培训工作者|平均月收入:3000 - 4000元人民币|户籍地区:中国/新疆维吾尔自治区/伊犁哈萨克自治州/察布查尔锡伯自治县|居住地区:中国/新疆维吾尔自治区/伊犁哈萨克自治州/察布查尔锡伯自治县>
我善解人意,性格开朗,兴趣广泛,运动员型身材,身高1.77米,体重78公斤。教书育人,为人师表。希望找本科以上文化水平,身高1.63—1.73米,具有家庭型和事业性的女伴。来信附近照。I am expert in explaining person intention, the open and frank disposition, interest are broad, athlete type stature, tops 1.77 meters, 78 kilograms of weight. Impart knowledge and educate people, be a model for others. Hope looks for all above cultural educational regular college course, top 1.63 have the family type and the cause female companion 1.73 meters. Vicinity casts light on an incoming letter.